Shed Renovation Round-Up

A couple weeks ago, I stapled up some blankets in my closet and spent an hour being interviewed for Ethan Waldman’s Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast. Knowing that the episode would drop sometime this spring has been the motivation behind chronicling my shed renovation on this here blog! For those of you that don’t know, at the end of 2018 I started my very own fixer upper project of a 9x12’ dilapidated backyard shack in East Oakland. I moved into it at the end of 2019 and lived there throughout the hellscape that was 2020.

I’ve always been a little obsessed with alternative and nomadic dwellings (yurts, vans, skoolies… you name it), but the underlying motivation for this project was to pay off $30,000 in (mostly student loan) debt, which I successfully did! The agency and autonomy that I gained from this experience is what catalyzed my desire to start coaching others, why is why I decided to blog about it here.

Since some of you may be new here and interesting in seeing the shed transformation from the beginning, I thought I’d do a little “renovation round-up” post for y’all. Below you’ll find a list of all the shed posts linked in chronological order. I’m so stoked that you’re here to read about my journey, and I hope you’ll stick around for the next chapter!

If you’re ready to make your dreams a reality, I’d love to coach you through the process.

Shed Renovation Round-Up:

Thanks for following along! My conversation with Ethan of the Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast goes live on March 18th. I hope you’ll give it a listen!


Overwhelmed? Break It Down (Before You Break Down)


Hindsight is 2020: Pandemic Shed Life